Manzano Day School
The Manzano Day School project also represents SD+A’s ability to work with extremely rigorous Budgets and Final Construction Costs, and represents another successful effort with Schedules and User Program Goals. The Project Schedule for this new 5th Grade building was broken into phases, Programming, Schematic Design and Design Development, Construction Documents and Construction Administration. There were no schedule conflicts within any phase of this project.
The Owner’s Budget for this project was based on a fund raising campaign from Docents, former Alumni and supporters of the School. To develop the final owner’s budget, the AE design team participated with the Manzano Day School Administration and Builder Gerald Martin to design an addition within the available budget. Based on this team based approach, there were no budget conflicts within any phase of this project.
The User Program Goals for this project were to upgrade the existing campus, relocate the 5th Grade grade into a new free standing building to accommodate a growing student population, reconstruct and re-landscape the eastern half of the Campus and improve Campus safety with new segregated drop off, pick up and parking areas. User Program Goals were completely met by this project.
This bid award to Gerald Martin represented an ongoing successful construction project partnership between the builder and Manzano Day School. Final Construction Costs for this project, included one Change Order for $177,604, to accommodate the Owner’s addition of a new Athletic Field to the final scope of work.